Customer Testimonials

Thank you so much for making our little lady bug first bday even more special with a very nice set up and balloon decors..till nxt time

Lyn B. Salarda-Pasturan

Thank you very much for a very nice balloon set up…. very satisfied and so happy of the outcome..

Vianney Gacrama

We had the a truly beautiful birthday party for my son last august in the Philippines. Rhee and Kat and their team did an awesome job delivering the safari theme first birthday. The decorations were on top and the the dessert buffet was a bomb (i’m not exaggerating it! i for one have a favorite) . They just don’t look good but they were really delicious. Overall, we had a good experience with them and would definitely be using eleven36 party and events in the future.

Melanie Arquiza Tero

My mom turned 70 recently and they made her surprise party very colorful and full of life! The service is amazing and they surely go the extra mile for you.
Fun themes, party balloons, dessert buffet, photobooth, etc. Name it and they will make it happen.
I highly recommend Eleven36 for your personalized party needs. Whatever budget you are on, they always have something for you! Did I mention that the chocolate cake is to die for? �

Thanks for making my Nanai’s Hawaiian Birthday party fun and memorable! Till our next party!

Tooting Kristine